Education Support
Our focus in Education support is ensuring enrolment of more vulnerable girls into secondary partner schools and supporting retention and eventual completion of their tertiary and vocational education. Annually 40 girls are enrolled in secondary schools. The programmes support girls to ensure that the school, community and home are conducive for them to thrive and attain their education centre around building the capacity of contact teachers in partner schools like training in policy and approaches to education and child protection. Skilling, career guidance and resilience sessions are additionally provided to both the girls and boys in the school to support retention and address negative mindsets towards education.

Sexual Reproductive Health and WASH
SRH and WASH are aimed at increasing access and utilization of sexual reproductive health information and WASH among the beneficiaries and their communities. Through sensitization of both girls and boys in sexual reproductive health and WASH and the establishment of school sanitary clubs. We have further embarked on providing clean water sources to target communities where water has proved a challenge making it a risk for girls to walk long distances fetching water and while at it susceptible to exploitation. Communities too, share water sources with cattle leaving them at risk of water borne diseases. We have so far provided 14 water sources to the communities of Luwero and Nakaseke and the need is still dire.
The provision of Menstrual Hygiene material has come in handy to enable them attend school regularly. Girls in our target partner schools and communities have been provided with sanitary towels and trained in making reusable sanitary towels. This is coupled with Menstrual Hygiene Management sessions to help them wade through the menstrual period. Changing Toilets in Mazzi Secondary School and Kiwoko Secondary School were additional services.

Child Protection
Under child protection, our focus is to strengthen formal and informal child protection structures at school, community, Sub-county and district levels for the safety of the girl child. The structures include; Para social workers, paralegals, SMTs, PTAs, VHTs, Local, religious and cultural leaders, parents, the family and child protection unit at the police as well as beneficiaries. Safe spaces in schools and communities exist to build the resilience of the girls to protect and stand up for their rights. Provision of psychosocial support where beneficiaries and their families are supported through counselling and guidance as well as direct support, especially for children in dire need.

Economic Strengthening
This particular core programme aims at building the capacity of target communities through economic strengthening interventions like VSLAs, the provision of IGAs and training in Management and entrepreneurial skills. Directly our beneficiaries have been able to attend skilling sessions that have enabled them to enhance their income-generating abilities. Alongside the training, they have been equipped with financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills.

Organizational Development
As an organization, we desire to strengthen our capacity for long term sustainability for the board and staff to effectively and efficiently manage the organisation and programs.
We will therefore undertake to achieve the best in the most prudent ways possible as guided by strong institutional arrangements around governance, leadership and secretariat management.

More than 1000+ Girls
Impacted Directly and
34,583 Children Indirectly
Strong Community Partnerships
Our attention is on not just the vulnerable girl but on the entire ecosystem of the girl which includes; the home, the school and the entire community. The aim is to ensure that the environment is conducive enough for the vulnerable girl to thrive and attain their utmost potential.
We work in partnership with other civil society organisations and child rights activities to reach more vulnerable girls and their communities. We identify organisations with unique services that supplement our efforts and we engage them to support our interventions. We have so far supported the communities with legal clinics where we have engaged organisations like FIDA and Barefoot law to sensitise the communities on legal matters, Barefoot law through our community resource centres has provided access to legal advice online through the I-Nodes projects to the vulnerable girls, their families and surrounding communities. Strong Minds is one other partner that has been engaged in supporting mental health in schools and families.