Girl Child

Social Change

and Innovation

Concern for the Girl Child is a Child Focussed Non-Government Organisation that was founded in 2001 by Dr Ann F. Hayes and the Late Freddie Henry Kasozi. Based in Kampala, Uganda, the Organisation was founded with the main aim of empowering the vulnerable girl child. During that time, marginalisation of the girls was rampant with many of them denied the right to education as compared to boys who were availed with the opportunity to education. A myriad of factors including socio-cultural beliefs and poverty were attributed to the marginalisation of girls.
Core Values
A girl who is socially, economically and politically empowered
To work in partnership to empower vulnerable girls through
education, reproductive health; economic strengthening of families and advocacy
- Justice
- Integrity
- Excellence
- Dignity
- Innovation
To increase access to education for vulnerable girls in CGC target district.
To strengthen the capacity of Partner schools and contact teachers for effective delivery of CGC education and child protection programs.
To strengthen formal and informal child protection
structures at school, community, Sub- County and district levels for the safety of the girl child.
To increase access and utilisation of SRH information services and WASH among CGC beneficiaries and communities.
To build capacity of CGC beneficiary communities through economic strengthening and livelihood interventions.
To strengthen the capacity of CGC for efficiency, effectiveness and long term sustainability.
What Makes Us Different

We Educate
Our focus in Education support is ensuring enrolment of more vulnerable girls into secondary partner schools and supporting retention and eventual completion of their tertiary and vocational education.

We Empower
We help build and empower the capacity of target communities through economic strengthening interventions like VSLAs, the provision of IGAs and training in Management and entrepreneurial skills.

We Build
583 young mothers and vulnerable girls to share ideas, challenges and empower them with skills for sustainability of their lives. Safe spaces in schools and communities exist to build the resilience of the girls to protect and stand up for their rights.

We Protect
Our primary focus is to strengthen formal and informal child protection structures at school, community, Sub-county and district levels for the safety of the girl child by provision of psychosocial support where beneficiaries and their families are supported.

1000+ Girls Impacted
Through Education
Strong Community
Our attention is on not just the vulnerable girl but on the entire ecosystem of the girl which includes; the home, the school and the entire community. The aim is to ensure that the environment is conducive enough for the vulnerable girl to thrive and attain their utmost potential.
The theory of change for CGC is built around the ecosystem for the empowerment of the vulnerable girl which extends to the vulnerable girl herself, family, community, school/educational institute, and the policy level environment, which all interact to bring out the social-cultural, economic, and political empowerment.
Impactful Stories
We have continually been creating change in the communities and supporting the girl child for over 21 years now. Check out testimonies and how our works has impacted our partners, staff and the community we work with.
“My Name is Najjuko Lillian, a 25-year-old, a Muganda living with my two siblings in Kiwoko Nakaseke District. I completed senior four in 2015 under the support of Concern for the Girl Child. I am a total orphan (both parents died) when I was 4 years old.”

Lillian Najjuko
CGC BENEFICIARY“I was born like any other child, but it was on this one day when I was coming from school, I felt a lot of pain from my ball and socket joint. My mum and I rushed to Mulago hospital, went through different x-rays but they could not discover anything."

Rose Namubiru
CGC Staff, Big SisterDonors And Partners